Thursday 6 May 2010

Reunion en Equus Zebra - Meeting at Equus Zebra

La tarde del pasado miércoles siete de Abril en la sede de la ONGD Equus Zebra, celebramos una reunión con el equipo de trabajo del Centro Penitenciario de Monterroso (Lugo). En ella hablamos de cómo se está produciendo la puesta en marcha del proyecto y empezamos a definir y concretar próximas actuaciones y actividades.

The afternoon of Wednesday April 7, at the headquarters of NGO Equus Zebra, a meeting was held with the staff of the Monterroso Prison Centre (Lugo). In this meeting, the current status of the project was addressed, as well as the next steps to take, steps such as implementation, acts, get go and activities.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your publishing. I wish that the meeting will be a beginning of our common job in the project.


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